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RTIK launched a new project aimed at the preservation and protection of NATURA 2000 sites

RTIK launched a new project aimed at the preservation and protection of NATURA 2000 sites

Only three months ago it became clear that we would have the opportunity to start work on a new ambitious project: Digital Educational Geoinformatics Methodologies for Landscape Monitoring (GEOLAND). Don't be fooled by the long name, in fact the project aims to protect NATURA 2000 sites by relying on innovative geoinformation systems and landscape monitoring. At the heart of the project is the idea of Citizen Science, and this is no surprise, since the goal is also a mass information campaign to awaken society to the urgent problems of monitoring changes in our surrounding nature. 

12th competition session of the National Innovation Fund

12th competition session of the National Innovation Fund

The National Innovation Fund is again recruiting projects for grant funding. This is the 12th competition session of the fund, which again has a budget of around BGN 5 million. The deadline for applications is September 10, 2021, applications must be submitted electronically with an electronic signature.

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