- Associate Members
Elina-97 Ltd
EIK: 117603107

Activity: Commercial activity in the country and abroad - import and export of goods, materials and raw materials, re-export, barter transactions; commission, forwarding, placement - supply, intermediary, warehouse activity; commercial representation and mediation of local and foreign legal entities and companies; administrative services; financial - accounting activity and expertise; investor and technical control in construction; entrepreneurial activity, construction - repair works; advertising activity and production of advertising materials; copying services, translations, typing; production and sale of clothing - ready-to-wear and boutique; domestic and international tourism, opening and operation of public catering establishments, hotels, motels, campsites, leisure activities; organization and operation of entertaining games - electronic, mechanical, discos, video - tek; production and trade of industrial goods and household goods; taxi and car service activity; production, purchase, storage, processing and sale of agricultural products - plant and animal, fish and fish products, flowers and ornamental shrubs, bee products, opening of company stores in the country and abroad; trade in petroleum products; organization of fire fighting and security activities; additional subject of activity: conducting courses and training for qualification and retraining in health and safety working conditions, fire and emergency safety, natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes in accordance with the current regulations and issuing documents for legal capacity after completion of the training, carrying out electrical laboratory measurements, carrying out sanitary transport.