Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, guided by the desire to:

  • building conditions for correct market relations
  • affirming the principles of fair competition
  • complying with the requirements of good customs established in domestic and international business relationships,

Attaching particular importance to ethical principles and good business practices, it recommends their strict observance in business and non-business relationships between all RTIK members performing economic activity.

Compliance with these rules is a criterion for the good name not only of every economic entity, but also of the local business community and Bulgarian business as a whole.

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations: Chamber members must inform themselves and know the laws and regulations that apply to their activities. They should consult legal counsel as necessary to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  2. Professional attitude: Chamber members must strive for a high level of professionalism and treat everyone with whom they interact with respect. This includes communication with customers, suppliers, competitors, colleagues and other stakeholders.
  3. Honesty and fairness: Chamber members should strive for fair and honest treatment of all stakeholders. This means avoiding deceptive practices, being honest about the strengths and weaknesses of their products and services, and not taking advantage of the weaknesses of competitors or other stakeholders.
  4. Privacy protection and intellectual property: Chamber members must ensure adequate protection of confidential information entrusted to them. This includes not disclosing information that could harm the reputation or business of others, unless legally required to do so.
  5. Compliance with competition rules: Chamber members must comply with competition rules and not take advantage of anti-competitive practices. This means avoiding collusion with competitors, abuse of a dominant market position or other actions that may distort or limit competition unlawfully.
  6. Responsibility to society and the environment: Chamber members must consider the impact of their actions on the environment and society as a whole. This includes support for sustainable development, participation in community initiatives and conservation of natural resources.
  7. Respect for the rights of employees: Chamber members must respect the rights of their employees by ensuring equal treatment, fair remuneration and safe working conditions. They must encourage and support the professional development and training of their employees.
  8. Fighting corruption: Chamber members must prevent and control corruption by avoiding bribes, undue advantages or other corrupt practices. They must cooperate with the competent authorities in case of suspicion of corruption.
  9. Support for the local economy: Chamber members should support the development of the local economy by cooperating with local businesses, institutions and communities. They should promote interaction and cooperation between different sectors of the economy.
  10. Inviolability of the code of ethics: Chamber members must commit to complying with and maintaining the integrity of this Code of Ethics. They must inform and encourage their employees and business partners to act in accordance with the principles set out in the code.

The Code of Ethics of the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry is composed of a set of principles and values aimed at promoting highly ethical and responsible behavior among the Chamber's members. Adherence to this code is essential for ensuring trust, stability and connectivity in the business environment, as well as for the development of the region as a whole.