• Associate Members

Startup Factories Association

EIK: 176844088


Startup Factories Association

Activity: Educational activity, which may include, but not only for a fee, the organization of information events, paid courses, seminars and individual lectures on any topics and on a variety of social problems, including for the training of personnel, with a view to increasing knowledge and qualifications, for increasing the level of qualification and retraining of the unemployed. Expert and consulting activity. Publishing activity. Execution of contracts as a contractor and subcontractor. Creation and development of start-up companies. Creation of a social information network for communication between start-up companies, mentors, investors and all those interested in entrepreneurial and inventive activity. Application for European programs and projects. Application for European and national programs and projects. Subletting of rented premises to individuals and companies on an hourly or monthly basis. Other activities related to the fulfillment of the goals of the association, which do not contradict the law and this Statute.

Aims and objectives: To support social integration and personal realization in the field of entrepreneurship. To develop, promote and validate the ideas of schoolchildren, students and other people in the field of entrepreneurship. To create contact between the student and other people with entrepreneurial attitudes, both in the country and abroad, encouraging the development of their entrepreneurial spirit. To facilitate the exchange of experience and information between people with business ideas, mentors and the entrepreneurial community. To undertake and develop all initiatives related to entrepreneurial culture. To support the development of scientific innovations. To stimulate the development of start-up companies by finding partners, financing and providing experience and good business practices. To support and encourage the entrepreneurship of students and other people, stimulating social entrepreneurship, which means combining the ingenuity of traditional entrepreneurship with a specific goal - changing society. To apply and absorb funds under local, national and international programs. To create business programs, accounts will be given for the use of young entrepreneurs. To initiate a dialogue to evaluate, form and implement policies for the development of an environment for young entrepreneurs. To increase the knowledge of Bulgarian entrepreneurship about the possibilities for preparing the project for financing, their justification and implementation. To participate in the preparation of projects under the European Structural Funds, Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission, operational programs, etc. programs, both independently and jointly with other non-governmental organizations, municipalities, participation in public-private partnerships (PPP) as a partner, beneficiary, contractors and subcontractors, etc. To assist the competent state authorities in the formation of the state policy related to the formation of a youth policy aimed at innovative entrepreneurship and the implementation of European policies. To attract expert potential for the development and implementation of successful projects in the field of university entrepreneurship related to public and private investment. To support and contribute to the development of information technologies as a key sector that provides an opportunity for professional realization, income and growth of the local economy in the municipality of Ruse and the national economy of the Republic of Bulgaria. To develop contact, relations and partnership with national and international organizations that share the goals of the association by implementing joint initiatives and projects with these organizations.

Means of achieving the objectives: Issuance of specialized information materials on entrepreneurship. Organization and holding of national and international seminars. Supporting and partnering organizations with similar goals. Provision of consultancy assistance on issues related to social entrepreneurship. Organizing competitions to promote the development of student ideas through promotion, funding and mentoring. Conducting research and studies in various areas related to the activity of the association. Organization of discussions, seminars, work meetings and conferences with national and international participation. Stimulating the exchange of experience and good practices between the members of the association and the members of organizations with similar goals in the country and abroad. Promotion of the goals of the association through editions, publications, advertising activities. Participation in tenders, contests and projects to realize their goals as contractors and subcontractors. Management and management of shared workspaces, on account of people with business ideas and entrepreneurial orientation, can work alone or in a team with other people to realize their projects and business ventures.

To contact Startup Factories Association, please use the contact details at the top of this profile.