• Bulgaria

Business Innovation Centre Innobridge


Business Innovation Centre Innobridge

BIC Innobridge is an organization for supporting innovative start-up businesses, which follows the methodology, collective experience and applies the know-how of the European Network of Business and Innovation Centers (EBN - www.ebn.eu). This is the first and only accredited BIC from the EBN network in Bulgaria. BIC Inobridge is an organization that promotes the development of innovation and virtual incubation of local entrepreneurs by providing services such as: trainings, seminars, consultations and other personalized services, depending on the specific needs, especially of young entrepreneurs and start-ups.

BIC Innobridge has highly qualified experts with experience in implementing projects under various EU-funded programs: e.g. CBC Romania-Bulgaria 2007-2013, FP7, ERASMUS, etc. The center has a modern infrastructure, which includes administrative office premises, fully equipped with laptops, desktop computers, multifunctional devices.

The center has a conference hall with a capacity of 35+ people, suitable for conferences, trainings, seminars and other suitable events. It is equipped with an interactive whiteboard, multimedia presentation facilities, flip chart boards, etc. In addition, the latter is equipped with high-quality Telepresence (VC) video conferencing equipment, developed with the aim of achieving as close as possible to the feeling of real interaction between participants. It can be used for both point-to-point meetings and multi-point meetings and simultaneous training in different formats and participants due to its universal compatibility. The latter allows the connection of the VC headquarters with practically all similar video conferencing centers around the world.

BIC Innobridge has experience in organizing various events such as: Business Innovation Conference, trainings and seminars for start-ups and young entrepreneurs aimed at building their capacity by enriching their competencies in the field of: financing, business planning, market entry and etc. It also organizes screening meetings to identify entrepreneurs' needs for the development of their ideas and (potential) businesses, and based on them, the Center organizes entrepreneurs' consultations with highly specialized experts in the areas of identified needs.


SPECTRA - Stimulating Performance of Ecosystems in Creative Territories and Regional Actors

SPECTRA - Stimulating Performance of Ecosystems in Creative Territories and Regional Actors