- Associate Members
Eco Day Ltd
EIK: 117670113

Activity: Expert and consulting services in the field of agriculture, marketing and distribution of plant protection products, seeds, chemical fertilizers and other chemical and agrochemical products /after issuing the relevant license/, wholesale and retail trade in plant protection products, seeds and planting material, import-export activity of plant protection products, seeds and planting material /after license/, production and cutting of plant protection products, seeds and planting material /after license/, purchase and processing of agricultural products, production of any goods for the purpose of sale or processing, foreign and domestic wholesale and retail trade of any kind of goods, import-export activity, mediation and representation in the country and abroad, advertising-information activity, marketing, investment activity in industry, agriculture, agrochemical activity, activity in the field of all types of services, incl. restaurant business, hotel business, cafeteria, cosmetic, hairdressing and tailoring services, construction activity, research, design, construction and furnishing of real estate for the purpose of sale, real estate trade and real estate rental.