• Italy

Finance & Banking, Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Humane (Associazione Effebi)


Finance & Banking, Associazione per lo Sviluppo Organizzativo e delle Risorse Umane, 'Associazione Effebi' Logo

Finance & Banking, Organisational & HR development Association, named ‘Effebi Association’, is a non profit organization set up in 1976 by prof. Roberto Ruozi from the Bocconi University in Milan and some HR managers from the main Italian banks.

The association organizes various activities in the field of human resources and organizational development for the banking and financial sector. The board of directors consists of HR and training managers from the main Italian banks. The association is a non-profit organization. The association improves the exchange of good practices and knowledge and cooperation with other organizations at the national, European and international level.


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