• The Netherlands



InDialogue changes traditional approaches to therapy and coaching education by moving away from textbooks and standard training. This organization focuses on the needs of clients from the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community and the skills and knowledge that therapists and healers really need during their sessions. InDialogue was created by Dr. Fritz and Sanaa who wanted to bring innovation to the teaching of counseling and coaching.

Over the years, the creators of InDialogue have participated in podcasts and had numerous off-the-record conversations about what really works in therapy sessions and whether training in the "therapy industry" is the only way to learn, especially when it doesn't reflect the experiences of BIPOC clients (or to therapists of color themselves).

Often times, therapists must independently gather information and manage their own professional development. InDialogue invites innovative and up-and-coming personalities to join their conversations on therapy, coaching, race, relationships, and many other topics. The organization believes that although we cannot know everything, we can dialogue together and improve both as individuals and in the work we seek to do.


QSA4Disability - Quality Standard for Distance Apprenticeship 4 Disability

QSA4Disability - Quality Standard for Distance Apprenticeship 4 Disability