FALEP 2B. Ligue de L'enseignement de Haute-Corse

FALEP 2B. Ligue de L'enseignement de Haute-Corse

An organization of popular education and social economy, the League of Education is an associative confederation whose influence extends over the entire French territory, it is a complementary association of the school and is recognized for public utility. Created by Jean Macé with the main objective of a true democratization of public education in accordance with the defense of the secular ideal, the association over the years…

Elderberry AB

Elderberry AB

Elderberry AB is engaged in curriculum development and strategic research, creation, testing, editing and publishing within school, youth, adult, teacher and professional education, often with socio-cultural and urban implications. They have experience with traditional methods of educational materials as well as with e-learning and e-culture. Elderberry AB runs training courses…

INFODEF. Instituto para el Fomento del Desarrollo y la Formation

INFODEF. Instituto para el Fomento del Desarrollo y la Formation

INFODEF, Institute for Promotion of Development and Training, is a private and independent center for research, development and innovation. We design innovative tools, methodologies, products and services that respond to current social and economic challenges and allow to anticipate and stimulate the changes needed to achieve future goals and objectives in society. At INFODEF we believe…

The European Society for Socio-Economic Integration asbl

The European Society for Socio-Economic Integration asbl

ESSEI asbl is an association established by a group of experienced practitioners in the field of international relations, European affairs and social sciences. ESSEI carries out research and analysis of socio-economic trends that influence the process of European integration, ultimately facilitating it through information, awareness and capacity building activities. ESSEI is based on a broad…

Coopérative d'Initiative Jeunes

Coopérative d'Initiative Jeunes

Cooperative d'Initiative Jeunes is a training organization for business creation and takeover. The CFA's role is to offer apprentices theoretical training to complement the practical training received in a company. Therefore, CFA plays an essential and indispensable role for entrepreneurs who wish to start a business creation or takeover project. They support their students to…



KulturUngdom is a charity organization with thousands of members in Västra Götaland. Their mission is to work with young people to support the strategic development of cultural life in the 49 municipalities in the region. To achieve this goal, they receive money from Västra Götaland's Committee for Cultural Affairs, among other bodies. Their board consists of…

kultúrAktív Egyesület

kultúrAktív Egyesület

KultúrAktív is a public benefit non-governmental organization dedicated to sensitizing children and young people to the built environment. They organize activities that inspire young people to discover, observe and understand their immediate and extended environment and participate in shaping it. Their activities also strengthen local identity and encourage participants to take responsibility for the built environment….

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