• Bulgaria

Pleven Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Pleven Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Pleven Chamber of Commerce and Industry was registered in August 1991. as an independent public organization with a voluntary principle of membership.

It was established by local businesses and organizations as a non-governmental non-profit organization under the Individuals and Family Law to assist, guide, promote, represent and protect the interests of its members.

Pleven Chamber of Commerce and Industry works within the unified system of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Sofia and as such fits into the system of chambers of commerce in the world.

The main goals of TIC Pleven are:

  • To support and encourage initiative and to assist in improving the conditions for economic activity.
  • To represent and protect the united interests of its members before the local self-government bodies and local administration, as well as before the central bodies of state power and management, before foreign and international organizations and to assist in the development of their foreign economic relations, programs and cooperation.
  • To provide information and provide active assistance to increase opportunities for their participation in international markets.

TIK Pleven provides business-oriented services for about 750 members and clients in the relevant region - Pleven and North Central region of Bulgaria, divided by different economic branches. Provides support and assistance for European integration of the region.

Through their membership in TIC Pleven, companies have the opportunity to actively participate with their views and proposals for improving the economic condition of our country.

Pleven Chamber of Commerce and Industry is self-supporting from membership fees, service fees and European programs, it does not receive subsidies from the state budget.

Since 2010, the TIC team - Pleven through preventive actions to limit the informal economy and increase public intolerance to all its manifestations and forms of manifestation - improving the adaptability of employed persons to the challenges of the modern labor market in Bulgaria, as an essential factor to curb the informal economy, to balance labor supply and demand and to implement flexible security measures through joint actions of the social partners.


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