- Romania
The National Research & Development Institute for Textiles and Leather (INCDTP)

Establishing itself as an active and dynamic operator on the national and European research market, the National Scientific Research Institute for Textiles and Leatherworking Bucharest promotes and develops multidisciplinary applied research activities in the field of textiles-apparel and consumer goods from leather-shoes-rubber, for economic agents in the sector and for other various related fields.
The National Institute for Research and Development of Textiles and Leather in Bucharest is the only national institute for research and development of these industrial areas in Romania and operates on the basis of HG no. 1304/1996, amended and supplemented by GD no. 1463/2004 on the approval of the own Regulation on organization and work, of Law no. 324 of 08.07.2003 for adoption of Government Decree No. 57/2002 on scientific research and technological development, amended. and add. with SG 6/2011
The textile-garment and leather-footwear industry in continuous evolution and deep changes at the national and European level creates many opportunities to fulfill the mission of INCDTP, having as a starting point the strategic directions of development established by the National Strategy for Research and Development 2014-2020 d. The European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing, the Institutional Development Plan 2019-2022 and the CDI Strategy 2019-2022.