The We Get project was presented at SEW 2022

The We Get project was presented at SEW 2022

A week after the official start of Start-up Europe Week SEW2022, on June 16, 2022, Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry joined the initiative with a different format and perspective. Instead of the standard formula "experts talk, entrepreneurs listen", we want to challenge ourselves and you by giving the floor to startups and young entrepreneurs to share their needs and challenges….

RTIK organizes a European competition for innovative business ideas

RTIK organizes a European competition for innovative business ideas

Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry organizes a European competition for innovative business ideas. If you are under the age of 19 and have an interesting idea for developing a business, you can share more about it with us through the Business Model canvas or a short video where you can tell us more about the main idea, the planned activities, the key partners, as well as the ways and the channels for spreading information about your future business.

Learn more about the Greek company Digisec

Learn more about the Greek company Digisec

The Greek innovative company Digisec took second place in the competition for the best innovative project within the framework of the International Investment Forum, organized by the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry under the project "Gazelle - Stimulating the development of innovative SMEs with high potential". Digisec is a high-tech solutions provider, and its founders design and implement application solutions based on Computer Vision. Their…


Learn more about the Bulgarian startup FOODOBOX

The Bulgarian start-up FoodObox was the big winner in the competition for the best innovative project within the framework of the International Investment Forum, organized by the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry under the project "Gazelle - Stimulating the development of innovative SMEs with high potential", held in May.

3 Bulgarian companies took part in the First International Investment Forum under the Gazelle project
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3 Bulgarian companies took part in the First International Investment Forum under the "Gazelle" project

The first international investment forum under the project "Gazelle - Stimulating the development of innovative SMEs with high potential" was held in the city of Skopje, North Macedonia on April 13, 2022. It was attended by five representatives of 3 Bulgarian innovative companies that went through the project's accelerator program.

RCCI hosts the first meeting of the Regio.Digi.Hub project

RCCI hosts the first meeting of the Regio.Digi.Hub project

On January 25, 2022, the REGIO.DIGI.HUB consortium organized its first meeting online and agreed that the initial meeting will be held in Ruse on March 23/24, 2022. The consortium unites 8 European organizations: Agency for Regional Development of North-Eastern Bulgaria (Romania ) – leading partner, Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri (Spain), "Budakov Films" EOOD (Bulgaria), IDEC (Greece), Agency for...

Even if an entrepreneurial idea does not materialize, the efforts will be rewarded

Even if an entrepreneurial idea does not materialize, the efforts will be rewarded

Tsvetelin Nikolov is co-founder and co-owner of "Pleggi" - a digital solution for pre-selection of personnel. stepping on time-established scientific methodologies (psychometrics, neuroscience), modern technologies (Machine Learning, Big Data) and gamification.

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