Completed project

  • EU Program for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

Better Incubation - LIAISE: Connecting Incubators for Inclusive and Social Entrepreneurship

  • Innovation and entrepreneurship
  • |
  • Social entrepreneurship
Better Incubation - LIAISE Logo

Duration: 1 January, 2021 – 31 December, 2022

The objective of Better Incubation - LIAISE: Linking Incubation Actors for Inclusive and Social Entrepreneurship, is to provoke a paradigm shift in the European incubation ecosystem towards a more inclusive and impact-driven approach to innovative entrepreneurship. The final goal is to kickstart an ecosystemic change aimed at providing social and under-represented entrepreneurs with dedicated business support services, incubation programmes, and virtuous networks enabling them to develop viable and sustainable businesses.

Powered by the leading business innovation incubation network in Europe (EBN), the main global network of centres for social innovation and entrepreneurship (IHUB) and the principal European network of venture philanthropy organisations (EVPA), LIAISE will involve key European organizations specialized in supporting under-represented and vulnerable groups (URG) as well as international, national, regional and local policymakers to work together for a “better social and inclusive entrepreneurship” support system.

The core of the LIAISE programme stays in the mutual learning approach that will be stimulated through international Communities of Practice (CoP) involving members of three networks, EBN, IHUB and national Caritas, and other experts that will share information and experiences, and will pilot the collaboration among the different partners at international and national level to promote, incubate and finance social and inclusive entrepreneurship.

RCCI participates in this project as member and active participant in Communities of Practice (CoP) and more precisely the Youth CoP. As member of this CoP RCCI experts are responsible to present at least 2 good practices for support of social entrepreneurs that are transferable and applicable at EU level. In addition to that RCCI will mentor and support at least 3 social entrepreneurs as part of the pilot testing of the scalability and replication of the tools and practices that have been selected as the best ones.


European Network of Business Innovation Centers

European Business and Innovation Center Network (EBN)


European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA)

Impact Hub Logo

Impact Hub