• Company registration, certification and GS1

Registration of a company in the BCCI Unified Trade Register

Entry into the Unified Commercial Register of the BCCI is voluntary. It registers Bulgarian merchants established on the basis of the Commercial Law, organizations, associations and other business entities established on the basis of other laws and regulations. Business entities registered in the Unified Commercial Register are associated members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The documents are submitted to RCCI.

Required documents for registration:

  • application;
  • a photocopy of the decision to register the trader at the Registration Agency or a decision from the court for non-governmental organizations;
  • a photocopy of the merchant's founding act (decision of the body that formed it, founding agreement, statute or other act provided for by law);
  • photocopy of an identification card according to the "BULSTAT" register for non-governmental organizations;
  • photocopy of tax registration;
  • a specimen, in the original, of the signature of the person(s) representing the merchant: notarized or submitted to an authorized officer from the "Commercial Register" bureau of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • a special, notarized power of attorney in original or a notarized copy thereof, on behalf of the representative of the trader, for other persons authorized to sign documents related to the company's foreign trade activity;
  • a specimen, in original, of the signature of each authorized person, certified by a notary or placed before an authorized officer from the "Commercial Register" bureau of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry; certified by the signature of the representative of the trader under court registration;
  • duly completed registration card according to the BCCI model (sample in PDF format);
  • a document for the amount paid for registration, according to the Tariff for the prices of services provided by the BCCI.
Albena Genova (New)


Albena Genova
Expert BCCI in RCCI

For consultations:

T: +359 82 825878
E: agenova@rcci.bg


Tsar Ferdinand Blvd. 3A,
Ruse 7000