IMG 8316

Business with a Cause Workshop

Financial literacy is an important prerequisite for the success of any business venture. Guided by this conviction, we at RTIK have organized the last of a series of events to present the results of the FINMAN project as a practically oriented workshop.

"Business with a cause" was the title that on January 23, 2023 brought together nearly 40 participants, including representatives of the NGO sector, education and many young citizens of the city of Ruse, in the "Table Center".

The event was held in two parts - educational and practical.

In the educational part, all the intellectual products of the FINMAN project were presented. The audience was introduced to the functionality of the educational platform (FINMAN (, and the presentation of the "Personal and Business Budgeting" module was a smooth transition to the practical part of the event.

During the second part, the young people had the opportunity to work on 5 real case studies provided by 5 local NGO organizations. Using the brainstorming method and applying the business canvas tool, the young people and their mentors from the participating NGOs developed idea projects - solutions to the problems posed.

The event ended with an informal networking session where opportunities for collaborations, implementation of the solutions generated and last but not least the possibilities of replicating the FINMAN program in local schools were discussed.

FINMAN (Personal Finance Management Program) is a 24-month adult training project under the Erasmus+ program. The project is implemented in partnership with 7 other organizations from 6 European countries and aims to give basic knowledge to people with low financial literacy by providing training on topics such as - taxation, cyber security, online banking, mortgages and loans and others.

You can get more information about the project, its activities and results at Finman Project | Facebook and on project site.

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