The first edition of the Gaming Startup Retreat has launched

The first edition of the Gaming Startup Retreat has launched

The first edition of the Gaming Startup Retreat has launched. This is a 6-week accelerator program designed to help 10 start-ups in creative and creative industries by improving their company culture, as well as by providing opportunities for recreation and networking among all experts and participants of the program. The 6-week personalized program will be packed with workshops, talks…

AEG alumni participated in the pilot testing of a financial literacy training program

AEG alumni participated in the pilot testing of a financial literacy training program

Within 4 consecutive weeks, students from the 11B and 11G classes of AEG "Geo Milev" had the opportunity to go through the financial literacy training program for the FINMAN project. The project, financed under the Erasmus + program, is an international undertaking coordinated by the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry and gathers the expertise of 8 organizations from 7 European countries. Young people don't…


Funding opportunity for ICT and cyber security under the Recovery and Resilience Plan

This week, the Ministry of Innovation and Growth announced the start of applications under the second procedure under the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan "ICT Solutions and Cyber Security". The total budget of the scheme is BGN 30.6 million. The purpose of the procedure is to contribute to accelerating the transition to digitalization of the economy by providing grants for...

Credit "New Start" - a BDB program to support small, medium, start-up and social enterprises

Credit "New Start" - a BDB program to support small, medium, start-up and social enterprises

More about the program BBR Microfinance presents a new program to support small, medium, start-up and social enterprises - credit "New Beginning". It is implemented in partnership with the Fund of Funds and aims to promote entrepreneurship among vulnerable groups. The program will enable companies to use a credit resource under reduced terms and interest rates, 25% lower than standard...

Presentations from the International Conference "Financial and Investment Support for SMEs - SIMExpo 2022"

Presentations from the International Conference "Financial and Investment Support for SMEs - SIMExpo 2022"

On October 3 and 4, 2022, the Executive Agency for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (IANMSP), the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) and the Investment Council of the BCCI held an International Conference "Financial and Investment Support for SMEs - SIMExpo 2022". Everyone who is interested in the financial products and services presented during the conference for small...

Competitions in the European night scientists 2022 - SEARCH

Get to know the program of the European Night of Scientists Ruse 2022 | SEARCH

European night of scientists is again in Ruse and thanks to our partners and guest speakers we managed to put together an amazing and exciting program. We hope everyone discovers something for themselves and enjoys this amazing experience that opens the doors to the world of science for young and old. Come on 30.09.2022...

Competitions in the European night scientists 2022 - SEARCH

Competitions in the European Night of Scientists 2022 | SEARCH

As the regional organizer of the European Night of Scientists, RTIK is pleased to invite all students with creative thinking, interest in science and the environment to participate in the two national competitions organized within the SEARCH project (Science + Environment + Art = Sustainability for the European Night of Scientists). The two contests have a final...

The Bulgarian startup FoodObox, fighting food waste, attracted 300,000 euros

The Bulgarian startup FoodObox, fighting food waste, attracted 300,000 euros

The Bulgarian start-up FoodObox, which was the big winner in the competition for the best innovative project within the framework of the International Investment Forum, organized by the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry in May, won 300 thousand euros in funding. Half of the funds are from the Innovation Capital fund. which works through co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund before the Fund of Funds. The rest…

SMEs with the possibility of financing under the Recovery and Sustainability Plan

SMEs with the possibility of financing under the Recovery and Sustainability Plan

The Ministry of Innovation and Growth announced the start of the application under the first procedure under the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan "Technological Modernization". The first funds under the Recovery Plan amount to BGN 260 million and are aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

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