- Associate Members
Vector Ltd
EIK: 827110913

Activity: Landscaping and maintenance of parks, gardens, adjacent areas to streets and boulevards, inter-block spaces, rural parks and forest parks; work with precious metals and precious stones and articles with and from them; trade in works of art and artistic crafts; cashier services; financial and economic consulting; engineering activity and know-how developments, technology transfer; production and sale of products, final products and services in the field of the Internet, mechanical engineering, electronics, agriculture, construction, transport /with the company's means of transport and those hired in the country and abroad/, food, light industry and household goods; delivery and placement of goods, raw materials, materials, machines, equipment, spare parts, medical equipment, secondary raw materials, on the domestic and foreign markets - produced by the company, as well as by other companies, on a commission basis and at its own expense; internal and external trade /import-export, barter, re-export, exchange operations/; representation of foreign companies, mediation for business contacts with Bulgarian and foreign companies; purchase and sale of real estate; leasing of cars, machines, facilities, equipment, residential premises and buildings; other construction, repair and service activities; tourism, advertising and business activities; production, purchase, processing and trading of agricultural and animal products, wild fruits, bee products, herbs and mushrooms; intermediary activity for hiring jobseekers in the Republic of Bulgaria and abroad, as well as all other transactions, activities and services not prohibited by law.