- Associate Members
Dani-64 – Yordan Danev ET
EIK: 020286121

Activity: Retail and wholesale trade in goods, materials and raw materials in the country and abroad, re-export, barter transactions, commission trade, commercial mediation, representation and agency in the country and abroad, marketing, placement-supply, leasing, advertising activity, joint production and trade activity with Bulgarian and foreign companies, sale of items pledged by citizens for a commission, second-hand, antiques, purchase, processing and trade of waste and secondary raw materials, over-standard stocks and stock-material values, restoration and sale of machines, equipment and works, road transport services and taxi transport, water transport, cargo - unloading activity, car service activity, trade in used cars and spare parts for them, hospitality, opening and operation of motels, campsites, food, drinking and night establishments, bistros, cafes, restaurants, organizing and conducting excursions in the country and abroad, services of Bulgarian and foreign guests of the city, translations, guide, company, references and others by agreement, opening and operation of establishments for mechanical, electronic and other fun games, filming with a video camera to order, organizing a video club, repair and maintenance of radio and television, computing, electronic and household appliances, external economic activity, services with reproduction equipment, typing services, protocol and shorthand services, cultivation, production, collection and processing of agricultural and animal products.