Completed project

  • Cross-border cooperation program INTERREG VA Romania - Bulgaria 2014-2020

Cross Border Cooperation Audio Travel Guide

  • Regional development
  • |
  • Tourism and cultural heritage
Cross Border Cooperation Audio Travel Guide

Duration: February 18, 2016 – February 18, 2018

CBC Audio travel guide is a Bulgarian-Romanian project with the aim of improving the sustainable use of natural heritage and resources.

The CBC Audio Travel Guide offers a solution to the problem of tourism conservation by improving the sustainable use of natural and cultural resources and by better promoting tourist attractions and activities in the cross-border region. The objectives of the project will be achieved through the design of 5 wide-ranging tourism products specific to the cross-border region RO – BG and the provision of a new, integrated audio tourism service.

With a total budget of €701,396.75, the CBC Audio Travel Guide generates the following results: a list of 1,500 main tourist attractions in the region, divided into 5 categories, an integrated audio tour guide service offering information on tourist attractions. This service is available by calling a dedicated phone number or, for those with an internet connection, by downloading a mobile app that integrates GPS tracking or by using the dedicated audio guide section on the project website. By jointly valorizing and raising awareness of the natural and cultural heritage of the region, the project aims to increase to 32,400 nights by 2018.

The main products are complete, the website and the mobile application (guide): were developed. 720 destinations in Romania and 297 destinations in Bulgaria are now presented on the Internet and the mobile application (including GPS, audio and written version).


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"Centrul de Consultanță si Management al Proiectelor" EUROPROJECT (CCMP EUROPROJECT)

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