• Cross-border cooperation program INTERREG VA Romania - Bulgaria 2014-2020

Danube - I can hear you and I will not forget you, I can see you and I will remember you, I can recreate you and I can understand you

  • Regional development
  • |
  • Tourism and cultural heritage
Program for Cross-border Cooperation INTERREG VA Romania - Bulgaria 2014-2020

Duration: 3 February, 2016 – 2 February, 2018

The project "Danube - I can hear you and I will not forget you, I can see you and I will remember you, I can recreate you and understand you" aims to improve the sustainable use of cultural and natural heritage and resources in the Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border region . The project is financed by Interreg VA Program Romania-Bulgaria.

With the implementation of the project, the cultural and natural heritage and resources are promoted through a series of joint activities, common products, establishment of connections between the population in the cross-border region.

Basic activities: Information campaign to popularize the project and raise public awareness; Creation of educational programs to introduce young people to Bulgarian and Romanian history and culture; Study the development of craftsmanship in the field of jewelry, embroidery, pottery, stonework and woodworking in the cross-border area during the different eras; Organizing and holding summer workshops for students and youth to familiarize themselves with various traditional crafts for the region; Organizing and holding a festival of ancient cultures and traditional crafts; Organization and holding of the Assembly "Crafts - yesterday, today and tomorrow"; International conferences on "Cultural-historical heritage in Mission and Dacia".

Achieved results: Enhanced cross-border cultural cooperation; Increased awareness of cultural heritage; Promotion of cultural events and initiatives of the TGS regions; Increasing the number of visits to sites with cultural and natural heritage and attractions.


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