• Оперативна програма "Развитие на човешките ресурси"

Entrepreneurship - a shortcut to success

  • Innovation and entrepreneurship
  • |
  • Human resources development
Entrepreneurship - a shortcut to success

Duration: 30 June, 2018 – 30 June, 2022

The project aims to help more than 50 people from different Bulgarian cities to start their own business. Through practical and theoretical training, future entrepreneurs gradually enter the field of business activities, drawing know-how from specialists on topics such as financial planning, legal responsibilities, marketing, business planning and others.

Within the framework of the project, practical trainings lasting 80 hours are held in several cities of the North Central Planning Region. At the end of the theoretical part, individual consultations are held with the participants on specific business ideas. 

The project is implemented by the Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Total value of the project: BGN 180,327.40, of which BGN 153,278.29 is European and BGN 27,049.11 is national co-financing. 

Project "Entrepreneurship - a shortcut to success" is financed under the Operational Program "Development of Human Resources", co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund. 


Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce