DTAM - Digital Transformation in Advanced Manufacturing

The project will deliver a new digital transformation curriculum dedicated to quality training in key technologies for advanced manufacturing. The training will increase the workforce of technicians capable of understanding, installing, configuring, monitoring, analyzing, data transfer and maintaining digital systems in an advanced manufacturing environment, so as to address the critical gap in the skills gap of workers in the field of Industry 4.0 .

WE GET! - Women's entrepreneurship Discovering new perspectives

WE GET! – Women Entrepreneurs - Generating Enhanced Training: Opening New Perspectives

The creation of adapted training, improving the professional path and the discovery of new perspectives in the professional growth of women are the two main tasks of the We Get! project. Partners from 6 European countries joined forces to enable women to improve their soft skills, creativity, abilities and innovative thinking and improve their digital and ICT skills.

SMART VILLAGE - Development of rural tourism through circular economy and social innovation

SMART VILLAGE – Developing rural tourism businesses through circular economy and social innovation

The main objective of the project is to create a new educational curriculum to acquire new basic digital skills and competences for over 900 low-skilled adults affected by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and more specifically for persons living in rural areas from at least 9 European local communities .

RESTART - Digital training toolbox to foster EU’s Industry 4.0 revolution

RESTART - Digital training toolbox to foster EU’s Industry 4.0 revolution

The main goal of the RESTART project is to qualify new professionals capable of supporting the digital transformation of European companies using the advantages offered by Industry 4.0 technology. It works to improve and expand the provision of high-quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual less experienced or low-skilled adults

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