• Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation

Project "Training of Trainers in Export (TEXT)"

  • Support for small and medium-sized enterprises
Export Training of Trainers Project (TEXT) (1)

Duration: 1 March, 2000 – 1 April, 2001

Support and increase the knowledge of SMEs for efficient export to foreign markets.

Specific objectives: Development of materials and training of trainers from each partner organization, with the aim of supporting SMEs to increase their knowledge and qualification in the field of export.

Target groups: SMEs in the field of export

Achieved results:

  • 4 training modules for SMEs - new exporters were developed
  • 7 Bulgarian export trainers were trained and qualified
  • All developed materials were tested with a group of local SMEs
  • Training of export specialists from SMEs

Leading organization: Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry


  • Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry – UK
  • Institute of Export (IoE) – London
  • Chamber of Commerce of Lombardy - Italy
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Brasov - Romania

Place of performance: Bulgaria

Funding source: Leonardo da Vinci Programme, European Commission


Camera de Comerț și Industrie Brașov logo

Camera de Comerț și Industrie Brașov

Unioncamere Lombardia logo

Unioncamere Lombardia

Institute of Export & International Trade (IOE) logo

Institute of Export & International Trade (IOE)

Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce logo

Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce