Completed project

  • European Union's Phare Programme

Regional Cross-Border Info Centres Network

  • Regional development
A network of regional cross-border information centers

Duration: September 1, 2007 – December 1, 2008

Project objective: Fostering the cross-border cooperation through developing a network of regional cross-border info-centres on the both sides of the border, located in Slatina, Alexandria, Giurgiu, Vratsa and Ruse and establishing relations between these centres and those already established.

Location: Slatina, Alexandria, Giurgevo, Vratsa and Ruse

Results: 1000 marketing surveys were analyzed and printed out in order to announce the results from the project and underlining the market needs. Five workshops were organized in Slatina, Giurgiu, Alexandria, Ruse and Vratsa. Five cross-border centers were established. Different brochures and leaflets were distributed in the target region.

Project partner(s):

  • Consulting and Project Management Centre Europroject - Slatina, Olt - (Lead Partner)
  • Scoala de Afaceri a CCIR filiala Alexandria
  • Romanian Business School of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Teleorman Branch, Romania
  • Employers’ organization – Association of SMEs, Giurgiu, Romania
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vratsa

Project Donor(s): PHARE 2005 CBC Romania – Bulgaria


Centrul de Consultanță si Management al Proiectelor EUROPROJECT (CCMP EUROPROJECT) Logo

"Centrul de Consultanță si Management al Proiectelor" EUROPROJECT (CCMP EUROPROJECT)

Camera de Comerț și Industrie a României - CCIR logo

Scoala de Afaceri a CCIR filiala Alexandria

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa Logo

Vratsa Chamber of Commerce and Industry