- Company registration, certification and GS1
Force majeure certificates
RCCI can assist in the issuance of force majeure certificates through the BCCI.
In accordance with international practice and as an independent organization, a member of the International Chain of Chambers of Commerce, MTC-Paris, European Chambers-Brussels, etc. international organizations and institutions, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry issues a force majeure certificate. A certificate of force majeure is a document of release from liability for non-performance or delayed performance of a commercial transaction caused by "force majeure". "Force majeure" is an unforeseeable and insurmountable event of an extraordinary nature that occurred after the conclusion of the contract and prevented its performance.

Albena Genova
Expert BCCI in RCCI
For consultations:
T: +359 82 825878
E: agenova@rcci.bg
Tsar Ferdinand Blvd. 3A,
Ruse 7000