• Company registration, certification and GS1

Registration of commercial representation of a foreign company in the BCCI Unified Trade Register

Commercial representations of foreign persons must be entered in the Unified Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, on the basis of Article 6, Paragraph 1 of the Law on Foreign Investments. In this sense, the decision of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the registration of a commercial agency has a constitutive effect. The documents are submitted to RCCI.
Required documents for registration:

  1. Application
  2. Official document for the registration of the foreigner, issued by the relevant competent authority, according to its national legislation.
  3. Official document for the persons managing and representing the foreign person, issued by the authority under the previous point.
  4. Decision of the management board of the foreign entity to open a commercial representation in the Republic of Bulgaria.
  5. Special, notarized power of attorney in the original, issued by the person/s/ under item 2, for the person authorized to register and manage the commercial representation in the Republic of Bulgaria and the scope of the rights granted to him/her. An original certified copy of the cited power of attorney can also be submitted.
  6. Original/s/ of a specimen/s/ of the signature/s/ of the person/s/, representative/s/ in the Republic of Bulgaria - by right or by special powers, certified before a notary or placed on a special declaration under a sample of the BCCI in front of an authorized employee from the "Commercial Register" bureau of the Chamber.
  7. Completed information card according to the BCCI model;
  8. Document for the amount paid for registration, according to the Tariff for the prices of the services provided by the BCCI services

Requirements regarding certificates of authenticity and legalization of documents:

The documents under item 2 and 3 after their issuance by the relevant competent authority, according to the national legislation of the foreign person, they should be certified for authenticity by:

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country and the Consular Service of the Republic of Bulgaria in that country, or
  • by the Consular Service of the issuing country in the Republic of Bulgaria, then certified by the "Consular" Office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria /in cases where the documents are not certified in the issuing country/, or
  • by another Consular office that represents the interests of the issuing country in the Republic of Bulgaria /if it does not have one accredited in the country/, then certified by the "Consular" Office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria.

After the certification of the documents by a notary in the foreign country, they must also be authenticated according to the above-mentioned procedure.

After the certificate of authenticity, the documents must be translated by an authorized Bulgarian translator and legalized by the "Consular" Office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria.

If the documents were issued by a country that is a party to the Convention on the Abolition of the Requirement for Legalization of Foreign Public Acts /The Hague Convention/ and an "apostille" has been placed on them in original form, they do not need subsequent certifications, but only need to be accompanied by a legalized translation into Bulgarian.

Albena Genova (New)


Albena Genova
Expert BCCI in RCCI

For consultations:

T: +359 82 825878
E: agenova@rcci.bg


Tsar Ferdinand Blvd. 3A,
Ruse 7000