What happened at the European night of Ruse scientists?
Another successful edition of the European Night of Scientists was held in Ruse on September 29. The event included 5 different locations, 20 activities for young and old and 22 wonderful speakers and scientists. Here's what happened in a nutshell:

In the Europe Hall of NUI, Prof. Veselin Stoyanov presented the STEM project "The Way of the Bulgarian Book" - developed by young researchers from the 12th grade under the guidance of Milena Ilieva. And on the square "Al. Batenberg" students from the 6th grade, led by Negoslava Bachvarova, created an art installation "With love to the heart", where with music and text the young artists directed the attention of the audience to the problems of children with heart disease in Bulgaria.
Scholars' night was also held at Father Paisii Primary School. Children from the school visited the Eco Museum in Rousse and participated in a talk on "The influence of climate on biodiversity". The talk was a joint initiative of RIOSV - Ruse and the Regional History Museum and was led by Venceslav Petkov - ecologist and curator of the "Nature" department at RIM.
The official start of the European Night of Scientists was given in the courtyard of Olimpi Panov Elementary School. The discovery was bombastic with the chemical experiments of Associate Professor Lachezar Hristov from the Rapid Thunder Corps. Then, Petya Krasteva and Zehra Yuseinova introduced young and old to the world of climate change with a practical workshop and group experiments on the topic "Climate and Me". The program continued with Ivelina Pasheva, who revealed to us the secrets of carbon dioxide. We did experiments and discussed how humanity can adapt to new conditions. We finished with games and crosswords related to the environment.

In the Children's Palace, our youngest visitors and their families had the opportunity to build their own water filtration system, make solar toys, sort waste and have fun with a musical educational game. Visitors learned about the prehistory and evolution of man from the archaeologist Kristina Yanakieva, with whom they "buried in the past" in the children's laboratory of experimental archeology.
At the Luben Karavelov Regional Library, air quality and the carbon footprint were a major topic in the adult program.
Young scientists from the "Ivan P. Pavlov" Vocational High School of Tourism presented their own research on air pollution in urban environments and how it affects people and nature. Hristo Atanasov from Qnectd told us about the Internet of Things technology and how to apply it to air quality control in the rooms where we work and study. Finally, Prof. Georgi Hristov, Assoc. Dr. Eng. Plamen Zahariev and Assistant Eng. Georgi Georgiev demonstrated to us how 3D technologies can reduce the carbon footprint in various areas of human activity from industry to art.
The library also had a program for the little ones. Children and parents embarked on an exciting 3D adventure inside the human body and applied the principles of the circular economy by turning waste materials into designer toys.
The grand finale of the European night of Ruse scientists was on the square "Al. Batenberg " 3 with chemical miracles in the dark again with our beloved Assoc. Lachezar Hristov from the Rapid Thunder Corps at SU "St. Kliment Ohridski"

The RTIK team expresses its gratitude to all speakers, local and national partners who participated in the organization of this large-scale celebration of science!
We also thank all the visitors who respected our program and we hope that it has awakened their curiosity and inspired them to closely follow the world of science and innovation. We hope to meet again next year!
A European Night of Scientists is realized within the framework of the SEARCH project, which is an ambitious effort funded by the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 programme.
It aims to help popularize science, scientific activity and the profession of a scientist among a wide audience, with an emphasis on adolescents.
SEARCH aims to encourage more Bulgarians, especially students, to engage with career opportunities in the field of scientific research.
More information about the project and its activities can be found here: Home - European Night of Scientists 2023 (fresher-researchersnight.bg)