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Fostering collaboration between business and science through small innovative grants for SMEs

The Ministry of Innovation and Growth launched procedure BG16RFPR002-1.005 "Small Innovative Grants for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)", part of the Program "Research, Innovation and Digitalization for Smart Transformation" (2021-2027). This initiative aims to promote cooperation between the scientific and business sectors by helping enterprises integrate scientific solutions into their production and business processes.

Main purpose and purpose

The procedure is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that wish to use scientific expertise to introduce innovations, develop new products and services or optimize their processes. Through fixed grants, enterprises will be able to receive services from established knowledge providers, including universities, research organizations, centers of competence and excellence, as well as other research infrastructures registered in the National Science Infrastructure Roadmap.

Financial parameters of the program

The grants are divided into two fixed amounts:

  • BGN 14,710 for one service
  • BGN 29,420 for two services

Funds are provided only when concrete results are achieved, and the procedure is in accordance with European requirements for state aid. The total budget of the program amounts to 25 million. BGN, of which BGN 20.575 million BGN were financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the remaining 4.425 million BGN – from the national budget.

Collaboration platform

Candidates can select the services they need through the specially created A platform for collaboration between universities, research organizations and businesses. The platform is available at s2b.nacid.bg and offers a variety of services that businesses can use to implement their innovation projects.

Application process

Submission of project proposals is done entirely online through The information system for management and monitoring of EU funds (ISUN). The application form and accompanying documents must be signed with a qualified electronic signature (QES) and submitted by 4:30 p.m. on March 28, 2025 through the "E-candidacy" module.

As a key business partner, Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry emphasizes the importance of services of high scientific value to achieve sustainable growth and encourages enterprises to use scientific potential to solve technological challenges.

More information and application instructions can be found at page of ISUN.

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