New edition of the BE-Digital Project Newsletter: Digital Innovation in Supply Chains

New edition of the BE-Digital Project Newsletter: Digital Innovation in Supply Chains

Attention all business leaders and innovators: we present the fourth edition of the BE-Digital project newsletter - An Alliance to Promote Innovation in Business and Education through Digital Supply Chains. The project, led by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, aims to identify digital needs and opportunities in the supply chain ecosystem and develop innovative educational programs that provide students with the necessary digital competencies and skills.

Main highlights of the BE-DIGITAL project

The BE-Digital project responds to the growing demands for digitization in the field of supply chains. With the cooperation between educational and corporate organizations, the project develops higher education and training programs preparing students for the future of digital business.

News about the BE-Digital game and learning platform

One of the news is the completion of the English (alpha) version of Serious Game and the Moodle-based learning platform. BE-Digital Serious Game is an innovative card game promoting the digitization of supply chains. It includes tasks in four thematic areas: Internet of Things (IoT), Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV), Data Analytics and Augmented/Virtual Reality (AR/VR). The game is expected to be available in five more languages: Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Hungarian and Bulgarian.

Training courses and virtual scenarios

The project has created extensive training courses designed for both beginners and experts in the fields of IoT, AGV, data analytics and AR/VR. The courses offer structured learning from basic concepts to advanced applications. Includes 1 complex and 7 thematic virtual scenarios that demonstrate interactions between different technologies in supply chain management.

Complex scenario:

  • Integrating digital technologies for human-robot interaction in supply chains.

Thematic scenarios:

  • AGVs in warehouses.
  • Using AR/VR to train staff in digital supply chains.
  • VR in warehouses.
  • Data collection from IoT sensors in digital supply chains.
  • A real-time location system in digital supply chains.
  • Data analysis for AGV fleet optimization.
  • Data analysis for shop floor monitoring, system optimization planning and failure outcome prediction.

Course demonstrations and virtual scenarios are uploaded to the project website in the section "Results of the project".

Pilot training sessions

BE-Digital pilot training sessions start in October 2024 and will take place in the partner countries. ECOLE will be the first partner to host the intensive IoT course in Milan (Italy), followed by AUTH with the AGV course in Thessaloniki (Greece) in November 2024. In 2025, FREDU and AEJE will organize trainings focused on VR /AR and data analysis in Nicosia (Cyprus) and Aveiro (Portugal). A total of 64 students are expected to attend the pilot trainings, each session lasting 40 hours: 24 academic hours and 16 self-study hours.

Relevance and benefits for businesses in the region

The BE-Digital project provides significant benefits for businesses in our region. With a focus on innovative technologies such as IoT, AGV, data analysis and AR/VR, the project offers opportunities to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises by modernizing supply chains. Training programs and virtual scenarios will help local businesses integrate these technologies and improve their resource management.

The Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry continues to support innovation and the development of digital skills in the region by providing information and resources for projects such as BE-Digital.

Read more and download the full newsletter here:

About the Project

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BE-Digital - Alliance for Fostering Business and Education Innovation through Digital Supply Chains

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