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Civil society and entrepreneurship

In 1989, Bulgaria began its transition to democracy and a market economy, which brought significant changes to the economic and social structure of the country. This transition opened up new opportunities for business development and laid the foundations for entrepreneurship as the main driver of the economy, but at the same time, specific problems arose that the economy had not faced. In modern liberal democracy, concepts such as civil society and entrepreneurship play a key role in economic development and sustainability, and in their own way solve the obstacles that have arisen.

Opportunities to develop business as a counterpoint to the planned economy

The transition from a planned to a market economy in Bulgaria opened up new horizons for business development. In a planned economy, resources and production are centrally controlled, which limits innovation and freedom of entrepreneurial initiative. In a free market, on the contrary, there is freedom of economic initiative, which allows entrepreneurs to realize their ideas, compete freely and contribute to the diversity of the market. Competition, a concept unknown before 1989, is one of the leading causes of new ideas, services, products and businesses. This in turn stimulates innovation, increases efficiency and creates new jobs.

Entrepreneurship as a driver of the economy

Entrepreneurship, also a concept unknown before the start of the transition, is a key driver of economic development. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make up a significant part of the economy, creating new jobs and driving economic growth. In Bulgaria, after 1989, entrepreneurs played an important role in the transformation of the economy from a centrally planned management to a market economy. According to data of the Ministry of Innovation and Growth, in Bulgaria SMEs contribute to 75.7% of total employment and to 65.3% of added value in the economy. 50% of the country's total exports are made by SMEs, which represent 98% of all exporting companies. For the most part, these companies had a modest entrepreneurial start, but managed to find their niche in the market and expand their operations.

Personal business initiative and its promotion

Personal business initiative is at the heart of entrepreneurship. In a democratic society, the promotion of personal initiative is of critical importance. This includes educational programs, tax incentives and easier access to financing. In Bulgaria, after the transition to democracy, numerous programs and initiatives were created to support start-up entrepreneurs and encourage innovation. Encouraging personal initiative leads to a greater diversity of businesses and increases economic resilience. Bulgaria still has a huge potential for entrepreneurial ideas. It is important to encourage and support people who have the desire and courage to start their own business. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide a favorable environment to stimulate investment, facilitate administrative procedures and provide access to financing.

The opportunities offered by the Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry

In this regard, the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCIC) plays an important role in the support and development of business in the region. As an organization focused on business support and entrepreneurship promotion, we offer:

  • Consultations and training: consulting services and training programs aimed at improving the management skills and business strategies of entrepreneurs. Expert advice in areas such as marketing, finance, legal and human resource management.
  • Networking events: Organizing various events and forums that bring together entrepreneurs and business leaders. These events provide opportunities to exchange experiences and create new business partnerships.
  • Access to finance: RTIK facilitates entrepreneurs' access to the necessary financing for the development of their projects. This includes information and assistance in applying for European programs and funds, as well as links with financial institutions.
  • Support for international trade: The Chamber assists businesses in expanding their market reach through international trade missions, exhibitions and contacts. This includes providing information on international markets, trading partners and export opportunities.

In conclusion, the transition to a democratic society in Bulgaria opened up new opportunities for business development and encouraged the entrepreneurial spirit. Personal business initiative and support from organizations such as the Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry are essential to stimulate innovation and achieve sustainable economic growth.

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