
Online Career Forum 6.0

The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a partner of Career Forum 6.0, which will be held on July 7, 2021. in an online environment. The organizer is the Faculty of Economics of the University of St. Kliment Ohridski" and the Association of graduates of this faculty.

Not only students from the Faculty of Economics will take part in the Forum, but also all interested persons - graduates, students from other universities, students in the last high school classes.

The main goal of organizers and partners is to establish direct contact between businesses and learners. 

The deadline for companies to apply for participation is 17.06.2021. 

Such events ensure a closer connection of education, vocational training and qualification with the needs of the economy.

The career forum is an opportunity for every employer to find the right specialist for a job or internship.

Full information about the event is available at the given link: https://www.uni-sofia.bg/index.php/bul/universitet_t/fakulteti/stopanski_fakultet/novini_ot_fakulteta/karieren_forum_6_0_pokana_k_m_rabotodatelite. 

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