A new report on cohesion shows that disparities between EU regions are narrowing

The Eighth Cohesion Report published by the European Commission shows that, over the last three years, cohesion policy has helped reduce territorial and social disparities between EU regions.

New report on convergence shows differences between EU regions are shrinking

Thanks to Cohesion Policy funding, GDP per capita in less developed regions is expected to grow by up to 5 % by 2023. The same investments have also contributed to a 3.5 % reduction in the gap in GDP per capita of the population between 10 % least developed regions and 10 % most developed regions.

The report also shows that, thanks to its flexibility, cohesion policy has instantly provided Member States and regional and local authorities with much-needed support in the face of the economic downturn and the worst crisis in recent times.

With the new Cohesion Policy programs for the period 2021-2027, investments in regions and people continue, in close coordination with the financial capacity of the package NextGenerationEU.

You will find more information in the document here.

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