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Get to know the program of the European Night of Scientists Ruse 2023 | SEARCH

As the regional organizer of the European Night of Scientists within the framework of the SEARCH project, we are proud to present to you the amazing and exciting program we have put together. We hope everyone discovers something for themselves and enjoys this amazing experience that opens the doors to the world of science for young and old. Come on 29.09.2023 to our 4 locations and enjoy presentations, demonstrations, lectures and meetings with scientists from all over the country.  

A key theme of the events in 2023 is: "How humanity should adapt to one of the most serious threats today - climate change, which affects all regions of the world and has an impact on many aspects of people's lives".

The events for Ruse are free, and the program is:

Location: "Children's Palace", Olimpi Panov 12 Ruse

All events are free entry, workshop type and suitable for children 4-12 years and their families.

17:30 - 19:30 - "Filter my water!" - In this workshop we will have the opportunity to build our own water filtration system from natural materials. In this way, we will learn more about how we can improve the state of water, which is one of the leading problems related to climate change. The presenters will be Gonyul Seidova and Elise Artunyan. 

17:30 - 19:30 - "Musical - creative workshop" - music pedagogue and teacher in RU "Angel Kanchev" Petya Stefanova will present a special educational musical game made of paper and cardboard together with its electronic equivalent.

17:30 - 20:30 - "Energy Conversion" - In this workshop we will be able to assemble a solar grasshopper, a solar cart and a hand-held generator. We will get to know the modern options of energy generation in the context of environmental protection. The leader of the workshop is Katya Stefanova - engineer and pedagogue.

17:30 - 20:30 - "sort the waste" game - The first and most important step in recycling any waste is its correct and separate collection. This activity is a whole science, and in order to understand it more easily, we will make a competitive game with presenter Ina Ganeva - Montessori teacher and pedagogue. 

17:30 - 20:30 - "Let's bury ourselves in the past" - in the foyer of the Children's Palace we will open an exhibition of children's works on the theme "Prehistory". The guests will be welcomed by archaeologist Kristina Yanakieva, from whom we will find out how the works were created and what inspired them. 

18:30 - 19:30 - "The climate - the main reason for the evolution of man". Archaeologist Kristina Yanakieva will tell us why and how man evolved. We will be able to play the role of real archaeologists as we dig up prehistoric finds in the first Laboratory of Experimental Archeology for children in the courtyard of the Children's Palace.

Location: Olimpi Panov Elementary School, 2 Sarnena Gora Street, Ruse

17:00 – 18:00 Opening of the European Night of Scientists with Associate Professor Lachezar Hristov - from the Rapid Thunder Corps.

18:00 - 19:00 "In class with climate change" - is an interactive workshop with Petya Krasteva and Zehra Yuseinova, teachers in Olimpi Panov Elementary School. They will introduce us to climate changes in Bulgaria. We will make a map of the climate zones of planet Earth and learn what will happen when the water in the seas and oceans rises. Together we will do group experiments "Climate and Me" on the following topics:

1) The climate and its importance; 2) The human footprint on the climate; 3) Climate change.

18:00 - 20:00 CO2 - "Global WarNing"
/presentation, discussion and educational games/

Together with senior teacher Ivelina Pasheva. shall we talk about what we know about carbon dioxide? How is it produced and why did it turn from a vital gas into a threat to the planet? We will learn what Global WarNing is and Global WarMing and how we can adapt to the coming climate changes.

Once we have mastered the useful knowledge, we can test it in the Climate Change Quiz and the Preserving Life Quiz

17:00 - 20:00 - "Green Deal"

In the school lobby, there will be an exhibition by students dedicated to the difficult choices we must make to limit the negative human impact on the environment.

Location: Kindergarten on the square "Al. Battenberg" 3 Ruse

17:00 - 21:00 "With love to the heart" students from the National School of Arts "Prof. Veselin Stoyanov" the city of Ruse will create an art installation dedicated to heart health. To the sounds of musical accompaniment, we will be able to open special messages in a bottle dedicated to heart health. 

19:00 – 21:30 Chemical miracles with the Rapid Thunder Corps

The chemical trials and experiments of The rapid thunder case at SU "St. Kliment Ohridski" will convince you that chemists are more than magicians. Attractive trials and demonstrations await you. The demonstration is suitable for young and old.

Location: "Lyuben Karavelov" Regional Library, Ruse

17.00 - 19.00 - "The air in my city" - A team of students from the "Ivan P. Pavlov" Vocational High School for Tourism together with their teacher - Yordan Adolfov will present a practical study of air pollution in an urban environment. Using their knowledge of geography and specially made measurements they will tell us how the different pollutants in the ground layer of the air affect man and nature. We will learn more about the different factors that contribute to climate change in an urban environment. And based on the results obtained, the team of young scientists will present solutions to the climate changes that have occurred.

18.00 - 19.00 "The human body in 60 seconds" - Sevdalina Todorova

In the workshop "The human body in 60 seconds" we will have the incredible chance to look at what is inside it. Through the special interactive t-shirts with a smartphone application, we will be able to view the human heart in 360 degrees and also the human skeleton. We will learn how to measure our pulse and trivia about the structure of the different systems in the human body. Workshop for children 6+

18:00 - 18:30 "How IoT solutions can make our lives easier and healthier?"

Internet of Things - The Internet of Things is a modern technology that can improve our daily lives in many ways, including helping us to be healthier and more productive. We will learn how this is possible from Hristo Atanasov - founder and executive director in Qnectd. He will introduce us to the specifics of IoT and demonstrate the operation of this technology through the use of specific sensors to track indoor air quality. We will do a visual experiment on the spot and learn how by controlling the air in our offices and classrooms we can achieve better concentration and productivity.

19:00 - 20:00 "Play without toys" with Greta Zufelde and Liliana Koeva

Is it possible to breathe new life into a waste? Is it possible to turn trash into a beautiful toy? The answer is yes! In the studio "Play without toys" we will be able to make fun and unique toys from waste products. Things that we would otherwise throw in the trash will become wonderful, personalized, play equipment, desk accessories, pet toys and much more.

We will learn more about the recycling cycle and some interesting facts related to it. Workshop for children 6+

19:00 – 20:00 Application of 3D technologies to reduce the carbon footprint – from art to industry. With Prof. Dr. Eng. Georgi Hristov, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Plamen Zahariev and Assistant Eng. Georgi Georgiev, we will find out how 3D technologies can help us reduce our ecological footprint. There will be presentations and demonstrations.

Location: NUI "Prof. Veselin Stoyanov", city of Ruse

13:30 - "The Way of the Bulgarian Book"

In the "Ruse" hall of NUI Prof. Veselin Stoyanov the STEM project "The Way of the Bulgarian Book" will be presented. The STEM project combines the disciplines BEL, Geography, Economics, Computer Graphics, Prepress Preparation, History of Art, Civic Education and has an environmental focus. Come to the place to get acquainted with the work of young scientists.

Location: Otets Paisii Primary School, Ruse

During the school day on September 29, the following activities will take place with students from the school:

  1. Visit to the Ecomuseum - Rousse with 20 students of grades V-VII
  2. Together with RIOSV - Ruse, a talk on the topic "The influence of climate on biodiversity" will be held for V-VII grade students. Venceslav Petkov - curator of the "Nature" department at the RIM - Ruse will present to the graduates of the "Otets Paisiy" OU - Ruse interesting facts about the influence of climate change on the animal and plant life.

European Night of Scientists is an initiative in which more than 300 cities in Europe and around the world participate every year. The SEARCH project in Bulgaria gathers participants from all over the country. The initiative is financed by the European Union under the "Marie Sklodowska-Curie" program (MSCA & Citizenz).

To learn more details about our activities and speakers join our Facebook event or become part of the community – Friends of the European Night of Scientists SEARCH. You can find more about the European Night of Scientists - SEARCH 2023, as well as the program for the entire country, at the links below:


We will be waiting for you again this year on September 29!


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