The future of tourism and the new digital realities were discussed in an online discussion organized by RTIK

The future of tourism and the new digital realities were discussed in an online discussion organized by RTIK

Over 30 participants from various spheres of business and public life joined the online discussion on the topic "Digital skills in tourism - future or necessity", organized by the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The health contribution for the unemployed becomes BGN 26 per month

The health contribution for the unemployed becomes BGN 26 per month

From January 1, 2021, people who pay their own mandatory health contributions (e.g. long-term unemployed, who do not receive unemployment benefits and are not insured by the state, etc.) and are not registered as self-insured within the meaning of the Social Security Code , owe BGN 26.00 per month.

The central entrance of the Regional Library was renovated with a donation from RTIK

The central entrance of the Regional Library was renovated with a donation from RTIK

Today, the director of the "Lyuben Karavelov" Regional Library, Teodora Evtimova, presented a certificate of donation to the executive director of the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Milen Dobrev. With funds from the Chamber, the central entrance of the old part of the building, which was unusable for many years due to structural problems, was repaired and renewed.

Online discussion Digital skills in tourism - future or necessity

Online discussion "Digital skills in tourism - future or necessity"

Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry organizes an online discussion related to the tourism sector, the problems facing businesses, new opportunities and the potential of the shared economy. The event is organized in connection with the "Your Local Guide" project, in which the Chamber is a partner, and which aims to promote the digital competences of both people employed in tourism and sole entrepreneurs who would like to start a business in the field of tourism, management and promotion of tourist destinations.

Adopted changes in the Save Me project Employers will be able to submit documents for the new design of the measure

Adopted changes to the "Save me" project: Employers will be able to submit documents for the new design of the measure

The Employment Agency informs all employers, workers and employees applying under the "Save Me" project that in no. 2 of the State Gazette of today, 08.01.2021, Resolution No. 418 of the Council of Ministers of 30.12.2020 amending and supplementing PMS No. 325/26.11.2020 was promulgated.

RTIK sealed a "Time Capsule" with dreams, hopes and memories of Ruse

RTIK sealed a "Time Capsule" with dreams, hopes and memories of Ruse

Today, in the building of the "Lyuben Karavelov" Regional Library, the last initiative of the year took place on the occasion of 130 years since the foundation of the first Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bulgaria. The ceremony of sealing the time capsule was honored by the mayor of Ruse Municipality Pencho Milkov, the deputy mayor Zlatomira Stefanova, the director of the library Teodora Evtimova, the executive director of the Chamber Milen Dobrev, as well as a representative of the Regional Administration - Ruse.

We awarded the winners of the RTIK Essay Contest

We awarded the winners of the RTIK Essay Contest

In a short ceremony today in the conference hall of RTIK, the prizes were awarded to the winners of the essay competition on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the establishment of the Chamber. Arzu Mehmed, Monika Velikova and Yana Peneva received their awards from RTIK Executive Director Milen Dobrev, in the presence of jury representatives from the Municipality of Ruse and Regional Library "Lyuben Karavelov", as well as teachers of the young talents.

RTIK has started work on a new project to transform secondary schools into centers of innovation and creativity

RTIK has started work on a new project to transform secondary schools into centers of innovation and creativity

In the context of ongoing socio-economic changes, transversal skills such as entrepreneurship are essential not only to shape the attitudes of young people, but also to provide competences that are fundamental to the development of an entrepreneurial culture in Europe.

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