Main barriers to online shopping in Bulgaria: Obstacles and how to overcome them

Main barriers to online shopping in Bulgaria: Obstacles and how to overcome them

Online shopping in Bulgaria is gaining more and more popularity, but despite this, many consumers still encounter various barriers and concerns that prevent them from actively participating in e-commerce. In this article, we'll look at the most common roadblocks users face and offer strategies to overcome them.

Lean Champions: 5S and Kaizen - The Path to Continuous Improvement

Lean Champions: 5S and Kaizen – The Path to Continuous Improvement

Lean Bulgaria Ltd. initiates an innovative event - Lean Champions - 5S and Kaizen competition. This program is designed to encourage innovation, improve efficiency and drive continuous improvement in your organization. What is Kaizen? Kaizen is a Japanese term that means "continuous improvement". It is a philosophy and practice that emphasizes small, incremental changes that…

Bulgaria in numbers 2024 Assessment of the country's economic situation

Bulgaria in numbers 2024: Assessment of the country's economic situation

The Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry informs its members and partners that for the 15th time in a row, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) is presenting the publication "Bulgaria in Figures". This edition covers basic macroeconomic indicators and Bulgaria's place in international rankings. On June 21, 2024, at a press conference in front of the media, BCCI announced the publication of the new edition of "Bulgaria in figures®" 2024...

Support for business in Ruse: Information event on financing and innovation

Support for business in Ruse: Information event on financing and innovation

On June 20, 2024, the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized an information event entitled "The Road to Success: Financing and Innovation for Business in Ruse". The event was dedicated to the funding opportunities during the 2021-2027 program period provided by the Fund of Funds (FNF). Experts from the Fund of Funds, Rosen Yordanov and Kristina Stoyanova, presented the financial instruments that...

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Ruse Municipality Pla

RTIK and Ruse Municipality: Plan for the development of digital communication channels

The Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RTIK) and the Municipality of Ruse announce a new initiative to develop the digital communication channels of the "Invest in Ruse" initiative. The aim of this initiative is to strengthen and develop the online platforms and social networks that are used to inform, engage and interact with the target audience.

Networking How making valuable contacts can accelerate your business growth

Networking: How Making Valuable Contacts Can Accelerate Your Business Growth

Creating valuable contacts is an essential element of the successful development of any business. Networking not only helps you expand your network of contacts, but also provides opportunities for new partnerships, exchange of ideas and discovery of new markets.

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