- Portugal

Descularte – Association of project promotion for the community, is a nonprofit institution, which has the mission of increasing, developing, valuing and promoting initiatives in the field of sports, cultural, artistic and Traditions, local and regional products. The association operates in the areas of development, promotion, dissemination and teaching of visual arts, plastics, sculpture and photography, as well as in multimedia, video, new information and communication technologies. It also has competencies in encouraging, promoting and valuing traditional gastronomic arts, typical cuisine and endogenous products, with local, regional and artisan characteristics. In the area of culture, develops its action in the promotion of theatre, Cinematographic arts, dance, singing, folklore. The promotion of crafts and activities of development and dissemination of creativity associated with this art is another of the areas of intervention of the association. Descularte has an important role in social and community valuation projects, also assuming responsibilities in intervention projects in reducing inequalities and increasing knowledge in the community.