The development of training under the COL-CREATION project has begun

The development of training under the COL-CREATION project has begun

During the last partner meeting, held in July 2019. in the city of Ruse, Bulgaria, the COL-CREATION project consortium discussed the current progress of the project and generated ideas about the creation of the training content, taking into account the results collected during the initial phase of the project, through the conducted survey among the representatives of the creative industries and training institutions as well as other stakeholders to identify training needs.

Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry officially launched the DESIRE project

Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry officially launched the DESIRE project

Under the leadership of RTIK, 8 organizations from 6 European countries started work on the DESIRE (Digital Education for Social Innovation Reframed Entrepreneurship) project. The Ruse organization also hosted the first meeting between the partners, where the foundations of the future work of the consortium were laid.

This year's edition of the European Night of Scientists was held with great interest

This year's edition of the European Night of Scientists was held with great interest

Over 3,000 visitors showed interest in at least one of the numerous events organized by the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry in this year's edition of the European Night of Scientists - Ruse 2019. And this year, the event offered numerous events for young and old, which lasted until late in the evening of the last Friday in September.

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry has started work on a project aimed at business angels and innovative enterprises

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry has started work on a project aimed at business angels and innovative enterprises

RTIK launched a partnership under the project "orGAniZing acceleration for high-potentiaL innovativE SMEs- Gazelle" (Stimulating the development of innovative SMEs with high potential) together with 6 other partners, financed under the Interreg Balkans - Mediterranean program. The leading organization on the project is the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Greece, and the other members of the consortium are from Cyprus and North Macedonia.

Industry 4.0 and its effect on e-commerce

Industry 4.0 and its effect on e-commerce

In the real world of business, e-commerce is the new way of doing things. This is not a new practice, but it is helping the global market take the next step and still acts as one of the most effective driving forces of the industrial world. The rapid progress and the way people conduct business using e-commerce can only contribute to the fact that Industry 4.0 is an extremely connected part of this whole process.

European Night of Scientists 2019 - Ruse - full program

European Night of Scientists 2019 - Ruse - full program

Location: Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tsar Ferdinand Blvd. 3A, floor 2. Video conference with three Bulgarian scientists, who raise the curtain on the latest achievements of the scientific fields in which they work: 14:00-14:30 Bulgarian exoplanets Earth and the solar system are just a speck of dust in the vast Cosmos. Evgeni Ovcharov, Head of the Department of Astronomy at the Faculty of Physics of the University of St. Kliment Ohridski",...

Meetings in 7 cities of the country. Results of the presentation of Bulgaria in the Horizon 2020 Program
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Meetings in 7 cities of the country "Results of the presentation of Bulgaria in the Horizon 2020 Program"

The "Science" Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Science invites participation in the meeting "Results of Bulgaria's performance in the Horizon 2020 Program and the main framework of the Horizon Europe Program for the period 2021-2027."

A technological conference presented the innovations in Industry 4.0
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A technological conference presented the innovations in Industry 4.0

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Business Innovation Center "Innobridge" organized a conference on the topic "Industry 4.0: Working solutions for business", where novelties and already working solutions that business and production use in their work were presented.

Zavod Naiden Kirov organizes an information day for the presentation of a new project
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"Nayden Kirov" plant organized an information day to present a new project for energy efficiency in production

On 21.06.2019, from 10:00 a.m. in the city of Ruse, Blvd. Lipnik No. 38, Zavod "Nayden Kirov" JSC, an information day will be held regarding the implementation of the signed grant agreement BG16RFOP002-3.002-0045-С01 between MI and Nayden Kirov JSC under the project: "Increasing energy efficiency in Nayden Kirov JSC".

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