Co-LABOURative-LAB - Enhancing Employability of Unemployed Persons through New Forms of Employment and Sharing Economy
- Digital education
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- Innovation and entrepreneurship
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- Human resources development
ID: 2016-1-ES01-KA202-025642
Duration: September 1, 2016 – September 1, 2018
The project aims to increase the competences of long-term unemployed and young jobseekers, human resources (HR) directors or technicians on how to take advantage of the sharing economy to increase their self-employment and entrepreneurial opportunities through the transfer of innovative knowledge, tools and knowledge-based practices regarding workplace learning, collaboration between trainees and the use of ICT Tools in these areas.
The expected results of the implementation of this project include:
- Training materials and experiential learning activities targeted at long-term unemployed and young jobseekers, HR directors and/or technicians to facilitate the deployment of new forms of employment concepts and technologies to boost their entrepreneurial capabilities and self-employment;
- Development of an e-learning platform including awareness, learning content and modeled and adapted ICT solutions to support the implementation of learning materials and experiential training activities.
The co-LABOURative LAB project was developed by a multinational Consortium, addressing the aforementioned target group, composed of 4 Chambers of Commerce working in the field of employment promotion, including a large collective of unemployed persons; 1 independent research institute specializing in socio-scientific research in the field of labor and employment; and 1 consulting firm specializing in management strategies and systems, business innovation, corporate social responsibility, human resources and training.