Completed project


I-WELCOME - Reinforcing migrant women's integration in society and the labour market

  • Human resources development
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  • Digital education
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  • Disadvantaged people
I-WELCOME - Strengthening the integration of migrant women in society and the labor market

ID: 2020-1-DE02-KA204-007557

Duration: 1 November, 2020 – 31 December, 2022

The project aims to support the integration of migrant women into society and the labor market in 7 countries - Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain.

The project aims to support the integration of migrant women into society and the labor market in 7 countries - Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain. The tasks of the project include a survey at national and European level among migrant women about the difficulties they face in relation to the labor market. At the same time, employers' attitudes towards hiring migrant women will also be investigated.

The studies will result in the creation of project training materials targeting migrant women, as well as a guide for employers on the employment of migrant women in relation to their integration in the workplace and the development of their skills.

It also envisages the creation of an online platform where job opportunities will be offered, the training materials developed will be uploaded and other resources that would be helpful to migrants will be shared.


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