Completed project

  • “Active services on the labour market” Programme of National Employment Agency

Regional Strategy for Development of Human Resources in the Borovo-Dve mogili Region

  • Human resources development
Regional strategy for the development of human resources in the Borovo-Dve Mogili region

Duration: 1 January, 2007 – 30 June, 2007

Project objective: Raising capacity in Municipality administrations of Borovo and Dve mogili Regions, Ruse District and local social partners for elaboration of Regional Strategy for human resource development which has to ensure implementation of proper policies, aiming at improvement of their quality – key factor for increasing the competitiveness of the local economies.

Location: Borovo and Dve mogili Municipalities


The project resulted in elaboration of a Regional strategy for human resource development in the region Borovo - Dve mogili. The strategy is harmonized with the European and national strategic and planning documents for human resource development. The document is disseminated in the region in order to facilitate the local government bodies when applying for funding from European social fund of policies for human resource development.

Project partner(s):

  • Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Lead Partner)
  • Borovo and Dve Mogili municipalities (Associated partners)

Project donor(s): “Active services on the labour market” Programme of National Employment Agency


Local government of Borovo logo

Municipality of Borovo

Dve Mogili Municipality logo

Municipality of Dve Mogili