• Marketing Services

Support for exhibitions and trade shows

Exhibitions and trade shows are an important part of the business strategy of many companies. They offer an opportunity to establish new business contacts, promote products and services, and view the latest innovations in the industry. At the Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we offer extensive support and services for organizing and participating in such events.

  • Preparation for exhibitions – We provide support for the preparation of your company for participation in exhibitions. This includes consultation on the design of the exhibition stand, the selection of suitable products and services for presentation, and the preparation of presentation materials. Our experts can also help develop strategies to attract visitors and interact effectively with them.
  • Organization of exhibitions – If your company wants to organize its own exhibition or trade event, we can provide services that include planning, coordinating and managing the event. This includes selecting a suitable venue, establishing relationships with exhibitors and partners, promoting the event, and managing event logistics.
  • Participation in exhibitions – In addition to the preparation and organization of exhibitions, we can also offer support for your participation in exhibitions organized by others. This includes help with registration, preparation of materials, arranging transport and accommodation, and even representing your company if necessary.
  • Follow-up after exhibitions – After the end of the exhibition, we provide support for follow-up actions, such as creating strategies for maintaining contact with newly acquired contacts, analyzing the results of participation in the exhibition, and planning for future events.
  • Join a global network – The Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry is part of an international network of chambers of commerce and industry. This enables us to support your participation in exhibitions and trade shows on a global level by providing information and resources that may not be available elsewhere.

Our goal is to provide your company with specialized support that meets your unique needs and goals. Whether you want to introduce a new product, make new business contacts, or explore the latest innovations in your industry, we're here to support you.

Svetoslav Minchev


Svetoslav Minchev
Marketing expert

For consultations:

T: +359 895 890123
E: sminchev@rcci.bg


Tsar Ferdinand Blvd. 3A,
Ruse 7000