
Funding opportunity for ICT and cyber security under the Recovery and Resilience Plan

This week, the Ministry of Innovation and Growth announced the start of the application under the second procedure under the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan "ICT solutions and cyber security". The total budget of the scheme is BGN 30.6 million.

The purpose of the procedure is to contribute to accelerating the transition to digitalization of the economy by providing grants for the implementation of information and communication technologies and solutions that ensure an increase in the level of digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Ineligible candidates

Access to grant funding is restricted to companies from the sectors 'Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries', 'Extractive Industry', 'Construction', 'Education' and 'Human Health and Social Work', 'Activities in the field of information technology' and "Information Services". For all these businesses, there are other financial assistance programs in place and the aim is to avoid double funding for the same activities.

Amount of funds

According to the procedure, Bulgarian companies can receive grants from BGN 3,000 to BGN 20,000, and co-financing will not be required. Enterprises will be able to apply for the introduction of ICT services and solutions for digital marketing, platforms, websites, as well as solutions for optimizing management, production and logistics processes, as well as for ensuring cyber security.

Eligibility requirements and conditions

Eligible applicants are micro, small and medium enterprises. In order to be able to participate in the selection procedure, it is a mandatory condition that they are registered before December 31, 2019.


Enterprises have until December 19 inclusive to prepare and submit their project proposals. Proposals are submitted entirely electronically by completing a simplified web-based Application Form. The form and accompanying documents are submitted through the Information System for the Mechanism (IMS) - the Information System for the Management and Monitoring of the EU Structural Instruments in Bulgaria (ISUN 2020), section "National Recovery and Resilience Plan", only with the use of a valid Qualified electronic signature (KEP), through the "E-candidacy" module at the following internet address: https://eumis2020.government.bg/bg/s/800c457d-e8be-4421-8ed9-9e78d0a75c39/Procedure/Active.

You can see all the application conditions, performance conditions and their attachments HERE.

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