An inspiring meeting with young entrepreneurs within the World Entrepreneurship Week
Within the framework of the World Entrepreneurship Week, representatives of RTIK participated as special guests of the initiative "I am an entrepreneur" of "Elias Canetti" PSU. The event was held with the assistance of Junior Achievement - Bulgaria, in the Entrepreneurship class in the 8th grade, specialty "Electronic Commerce".
The executive director of RTIK - Mr. Milen Dobrev, introduced the young people to the activities of the chamber and our role as a link between education and business. And Desislava Dimitrova - training organizer - presented some of RTIK's current projects, among them Regio.Digi.Hub, GenZ4GD and initiatives implemented in cooperation with BIC Inobridge, such as SPECTRA and STRESSOUT.

In addition to being presenters, our team also played the role of an audience in front of which high school graduates presented their business ideas awarded with prizes from various international, national and regional competitions.
Monika Mitkova, Plamena Petkova, Ralitsa Stefanova and Mihaela Mitsova from 12A, majoring in "Economic Informatics" presented "INOCARD" - a business idea for making contactless business cards and health cards based on NFC technology.
Daniel Georgiev from 12A class, major "Economic Informatics", introduced his party game "Brother You Can't". It aims to change the way youth have fun and encourage face-to-face communication.
Boris Blazhev from 12A class, majoring in "Economic Informatics" presented the idea "Forest Wolves", which is an innovative website promoting art through new augmented reality technologies.
Eighth-graders Ioan Bukhov and Ioan Tsvetkov participated in the "I am an entrepreneur" event, who made a short presentation on the topic - "Why do I want to become an entrepreneur"? The young people also presented their business idea for a platform to create paid or free Horse - Learning skills lessons.

We are happy that more and more often we meet talented and motivated young people willing to develop entrepreneurial activity, and RTIK's participation in the initiative is one of the examples of the systematic efforts we are making to build a more favorable entrepreneurial ecosystem.