The development of the training materials under the COL-CREATION project has been completed

Completed the development of the training materials by project COL CREATION

In recent months, the Consortium on the project COL-CREATION is working hard to complete the training materials, the content of which is divided into several separate modules covering different areas in co-creation and design thinking, namely:

1. Creative industries and trends;

2. What is collaboration, co-creation, and the platform economy and open innovation;

3. What is user-centered design methodology;

4. Management of joint teams;

5. How to successfully market your product.

In addition, each of the modules includes sources of information - articles, scientific publications, books, videos, etc., as well as practical tasks to support teamwork. In this way, the training will not only support the acquisition of theoretical information, but will also have a practical focus, which will provide a solution to common problems by analyzing the problem and the reasons for its occurrence. Also, the practical part of the training will aim to provide people with the necessary knowledge of how to lead a team and how to be part of it, giving the opportunity to analyze strengths and weaknesses. The final part of the training is entirely oriented to the presentation of a product or service, giving guidance for a better presentation by creating a unique selling proposition.

An e-learning platform will also be developed, including all theoretical materials and additional resources, which will support the learning process.

Project-based training COL-CREATION is mainly aimed at professionals in the creative industries and aims to facilitate the use of the sharing economy in order to develop business models for collaboration, co-creation and teamwork.

COL-CREATION is a project financed by the Erasmus+ program of the EU, which is implemented in partnership with 5 other European organizations from Spain, the Netherlands and Austria for a period of 2 years. To get up-to-date information about the project, you can follow its official website, or to contact Ayri Memishev – or Irena Ivanova –

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