IANMSP conducted a nationally representative survey among SMEs

The Executive Agency for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (IANMSP) conducted a nationally representative survey among owners and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises in January of this year.
The main goals of the survey are:
- To collect, summarize and analyze information on the assessments of owners and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) about the state of the business environment and its immediate effects on SMEs. The study is not aimed at assessing the influence of all environmental factors, but only at the few main ones that manifested themselves in 2022 and had a strong negative impact on the overall development of our country. The aim is to clarify how these factors have influenced the environment and the status and development of SMEs.
The tasks in this regard are to assess the impact on SMEs of:- the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic;
- the military actions in Ukraine;
- high inflation;
- the political situation in the country;
- problems in supply chains.
- To collect, summarize and analyze information on enterprise assessments and their development in 2022 in relation to:
- the offered portfolio of products/services;
- realized sales;
- the change in the position of SMEs in the market in the country and abroad;
- the realized profit;
- the innovations introduced;
- their expectations for future development.
- To study the assessment of the surveyed representatives of SMEs about the main problems facing their business, the areas in which they need support, as well as their views on the ways to implement this support from the state. The result will provide guidelines for the formation of state policies, as well as useful information for SMEs to take effective measures to support SMEs.
Read more on the IANMSP website: