
A new memorandum of cooperation between RTIK and PGEE "Apostol Arnaudov" under the DTAM initiative

"Integrated training program for EU technicians to implement and manage digital tools in smart manufacturing" or DTAM for short, is an innovative international initiative in which the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RTIK) has been actively participating since 2020.

As an organization bringing together business, community and education, RTIK invests significant efforts and funds in the knowledge economy, contributing to the provision of quality opportunities for formal and informal education, exchange of experience and good practices, as well as lifelong learning.

In this regard, RTIK took another step towards this goal, signing a Memorandum of Cooperation with PGEE "Apostol Arnaudov" - Ruse, through which the two organizations strengthened their partnership and joined efforts for the successful implementation of the DTAM initiative. The purpose of the memorandum is to provide an initial framework for cooperation and to facilitate joint work between the parties, in areas of common interest, especially education in the field of digitization and smart manufacturing and related technologies. Similar memoranda were also concluded with Elias Canetti State University of Ruse, as well as Ruse University "Angel Kanchev".

The DTAM project focuses on creating a new curriculum that aims to provide quality training to mid-to-high level technicians in key core technologies for smart manufacturing. The training content is structured in 6 separate modules, namely:

DTAM Training Contents

The goal of a DTAM project is not only to provide specialized training, but also to support opportunities for cooperation between educational institutions, teachers, enterprises, workers and students. The educational toolkit also offers:

  • Digital Transformation Competency Index: describes the appropriate competencies for a unique professional training and education profile of a DTAM technician.
  • Methodology of training: we have developed a dedicated training methodology offering practical and theoretical guidance for the delivery of the DTAM curriculum in initial (IVET) and continuing (CVET) vocational education and training courses. The methodology is intended for both VET staff and other organizations providing the DTAM curriculum.
  • Study guide: we have created a comprehensive guide to the DTAM curriculum for prospective H/VET staff who would like to deliver the training as part of formally accredited training in VET and VET courses.
  • A digital self-assessment tool: It is based on an interactive platform that includes several serious games and additional gamification elements. As a first step, using the tool, students interested in DTAM will perform a self-diagnosis of their soft and hard skills to check the state of their knowledge and, based on their results, choose the learning intensity for the rest of their education in the course .
  • Learning platform: The interactive multilingual platform of the DTAM project is an open source tool for e-learning solutions fully customized for course needs.
  • IoT Hub: provides access to a developed IoT digital ecosystem to enhance the e-learning experience. This includes our dedicated training platform and a dedicated setup of 4 IoT labs built entirely for the purpose of the DTAM training course, integrating all the necessary tools such as raspberry Pi and sensors to complete the DTAM training and learning.

If you want to get free access to the training toolkit created by the DTAM project, or you are an institution in the field of education with which we share similar missions and wish to cooperate in areas of mutual interest, we invite you to join forces in the name of the development of the quality the education. Contact the project coordinator for Bulgaria, Mr. Airi Memishev, via the following email address: amemishev@rcci.bg or by phone: 082 825 875 to learn more.

The DTAM project is financed by the Erasmus+ program of the EU. You can know more about it by visiting its official website, as well as his social media at Facebook and Twitter.

About the Project


DTAM - Digital Transformation in Advanced Manufacturing

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