The fourth newsletter of the We Get project: A successful final meeting in Turin, Italy and a tribute to International Women's Day

We are pleased to inform you about the fourth newsletter of the We Get project (Women Entrepreneurs Generating Enhanced Training, project number 2020-1-NL01-KA204-064559), which tells about the successful final meeting of the partners in Turin, Italy.
On March 8 and 9, the project partners visited Turin, where they were welcomed by the Istituto Dei Sordi in a beautiful old building that serves as a school for the deaf. The meeting lasted two days, discussing all aspects of the project, including its sustainability, and ended with a traditional dinner at a local restaurant.
The importance of the partnership in the We Get project cannot be understated. A strong and consistent relationship between the partners allowed a free discussion of ideas and proposals, which contributed to the successful planning, development and completion of the project from start to finish.
The project partners also included the celebration of International Women's Day, emphasizing equality and emancipation. This day is used to pay tribute to the achievements of women and to consider the ways in which we can contribute to gender equality.
During the meeting, the partners reviewed and discussed the webinars and inspirational videos created within the project. They cover topics such as motivation, creativity and passion, and the inspirational videos feature female entrepreneurs from all over Europe who have participated in We Get and now have successful businesses.
IO4 also continues the theme from IO3 showing the strong demand for more funding for female entrepreneurs across Europe. As a result, a petition has been developed which has already been signed by over 100 people and will be available at multiple events to collect more signatures and be shown to local elected representatives.
We are pleased to share the successes of the We Get project and offer you the details and achievements in the fourth newsletter, which is now available for download and review. Please click below to download the We Get project brochure.