CCIs Green Transition

Can creative industries drive the green transition?

Climate change and its effects on all aspects of life on the planet require radical changes in our habits and way of thinking, for which we are not yet fully prepared. The European Green Deal, which aims to transform the EU into a climate-neutral environment by 2050, highlights the need to include the creative industries in these efforts.

From 2015 to 2023, the European Commission is organizing a structured dialogue called Voices of Culture as part of the New European Agenda for Culture. It provided a framework for discussions between civil society stakeholders and the Commission. After a competition, won by the Goethe-Institut - Brussels, it was prepared large-scale report, presented in autumn 2023. It explores the role of creative and creative industries (CCI) in the green transition process and highlights the need for their engagement both to achieve a sustainable future and to promote environmental awareness among the territory's population of the European Union.

The cultural and creative sector shapes attitudes

ICTs have the unique ability to engage and inspire people to imagine a possible sustainable future. From seeking out new, sustainable and environmentally friendly materials, to enforcing ethical practices such as 'circular fashion', the creative industries, which include all forms of art, literature, cultural heritage and more, can create inclusive communities, deliver important messages , captivating stories and life narratives to stimulate change in attitudes and behaviour. Creative industries can be a powerful educational tool, especially on issues of sustainable development.

Integration of ICT into sustainability policies

The report offers concrete recommendations for the inclusion of the creative sector in the strategies and vision of the European Union. Among them are:

  • Including the creative sector in the European Green Deal, with the main task of mobilizing change and adapting green habits among people, using its ability to build public attitudes and shape positive behavior and commitment.
  • Support for new initiatives and stimulation of innovative thinking. Open invitations, encouraging the generation of fresh ideas and alternative visions of the future, outside the framework of familiar models.
  • Funding and support for KTIs: Development of new institutional frameworks and financial instruments incentivizing KTIs to develop and implement bold creative initiatives with a focus on sustainability.

Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry and KTI

The Rousse Chamber of Commerce and Industry plays an important role in the context of cultural and creative industries in the region. The Chamber actively supports and promotes initiatives that aim at sustainable development and green transition. Project SPECTRA is one of the examples in this direction and aims to stimulate creativity and innovation through various cultural and creative endeavors. Focusing on the integration of sustainable practices in the creative industries, SPECTRA provides a platform for the transfer of knowledge and experience from the well-developed ecosystems of Denmark and Germany to the developing ones - Ireland and Bulgaria. RTIK seeks to support local artists and cultural organizations by providing them with access to resources and funding necessary to realize their green transformation projects. In this way, the chamber contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the European Green Deal and promotes the sustainable development of the cultural sector in the region.

Current policies are still not delivering the expected results on the way to a greener and more ecological future. The cultural and creative sector can be a powerful engine of change if it receives the necessary institutional support and funding. A successful green transformation requires the integration of key sectors within the policies and strategies of the European Union. The creative industries are a key factor in building public support for the green transition and can be a catalyst in the transformation towards a greener and more ethical consciousness.

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