Webinar on: Features of the UK retail market
The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with the British company Hyve Group plc are organizing a webinar on "Characteristics of the UK retail market" on November 12, 2020. from 11.00 a.m.
The webinar will provide an update on the UK retail market with lots of useful data on new trends and consumer behaviour. This will help companies wishing to export to the UK market to be prepared in advance.
The event will review the opportunities and performance of the UK retail market in 2020.
The session will include:
Market performance in 2019
Economic impact of Covid-19 on the UK market and which market segments have met expectations.
Changes in consumer behavior
Expected form of recovery
Questions and Answers.
The event is suitable for companies that manufacture and sell consumer goods, including home goods, clothing, accessories, shoes, bags, luxury goods, cosmetics and nutritional supplements, food and beverages, and more.
If you wish to participate in the webinar, please register by November 9, 2020 /Monday/ at the following link - https://www.bigmarker.com/hyve/HYVE-UK-Market-Overview
For more information and contacts: Directorate "International Cooperation and International Organizations", BCCI, tel. 02/ 8117 489 or 02/8117 421, and e-mail: irelations@bcci.bg