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Creative industries in Ruse at the center of the SPECTRA project

BIC Inobridge and the Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted a two-day research visit that took place on July 3 and 4 in the city of Ruse. The meetings with representatives of the creative and creative industries were organized under the project "SPECTRA - Stimulating the effectiveness of regional ecosystems in the creative and creative industries", funded by EISMEA, within the framework of the Horizon Europe program.
The purpose of the visit was for the project partners to familiarize themselves with the local ecosystem and policies in order to gain a real idea of the level of development of the creative and creative sector in the region. The delegation met both with active companies working in the field and with representatives of the local government developing various programs to stimulate it. The two-day program included visits to the Ruse Creative Center, Ruse Municipality, Ruse University "Angel Kanchev", where the guests had the opportunity to see specific products and initiatives. Part of the visit included conversations with representatives of the Bulgarian Fashion Association, Vocational School of Clothing "Nedka Ivan Lazarova" - Ruse, Arena Media and the company for the production of mobile homes "Koleliba", who shared valuable information related to work, opportunities, problems and the prospects in the sector.
The SPECTRA project brings together a series of initiatives aimed at developing the creative and creative industries sector, engaging over 1000 stakeholders in 30 workshops, experiments/challenges, workshops and roundtables and will provide support to over 100 start-ups. The research visit to the city of Ruse was part of the activity dedicated to the preparation of a large-scale analysis of the state of the creative industries, including current data from Bulgaria, Ireland, Denmark and Germany, identifying specific challenges for the young and developing ecosystems in Bulgaria and Ireland and possible solutions derived from the good practices of the already developed sector in Denmark and Germany.
The project is implemented in partnership with WESTERN DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (WDC)-  (Ireland), Creative Business Network-  (Denmark), MEDIA DEALS UG- (Germany), Creative Enterprise West-  (Ireland) and BIC Inobridge (Bulgaria).

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